Coming up for Prime Time

  • Coffee Drops in at the Yew Tree Café - Mondays 10.30-11.30am

  • Visit to the Mane Chance Horse Sanctuary - 18th July

Dear Prime Time member,

I hope this finds you able to enjoy the glorious weather now that summer seems to have finally arrived.  As ever with the UK though, we seem to lurch from one weather-extreme to another and so we find ourselves suddenly experiencing excessive temperatures rather than simply a sustained period of ‘nice’ weather which I’m sure we would all be quite content with! So please do take care and look after yourself during the current heatwave.  Try and avoid going outside during the most intense heat over the middle part of the day and remember to drink plenty to stop yourself becoming dehydrated.

The long-range weather forecast for next Thursday, (June 30th) which is when our Garden Party at Prior’s Field School is taking place is looking good; dry and warm, but not overly hot – perfect tea party weather in fact!  If you would like to attend the Garden Party on the 30th and have yet to let us know, it is not too late to reserve your place.  Please do let us know if you are intending to come though as the school do need to have an idea of numbers to ensure that there are enough cream teas for everyone!  At this late stage, an email or quick phone call to the Church Office will suffice rather than posting your reply slip back to us.

Don’t forget the invitation to the Prior’s Field production of ‘Oh to be Young’ on June 28th that I emailed you about earlier in the week – we still have some of our ticket allocation if you would like to go.  Please do email me as soon as possible if you would like to take up the offer of a ticket.

Looking further ahead than next week though, attached to this email are details of the July Prime Time event; a trip to Mane Chance Sanctuary in Compton, the horse sanctuary established by the actress Jenny Seagrove.  Long standing members of Prime Time may remember that we have previously made a trip to Mane Chance.  Incredibly that was 7 years ago!  Mane Chance was a relatively new charity at that time and the Sanctuary hadn’t long been established.  In the intervening 7 years, there have been a lot of developments at the site and in the work that goes on there and Mane Chance is now a recognised and well thought of horse-care charity, so the Prime Time Team thought it was well worth going for a return visit.

Whether or not you are ‘into’ horses, it promises to be a lovely afternoon out.  The Sanctuary site, in spite of its proximity to the A3 is calm and tranquil; very green and leafy with lovely views across the fields and nearby countryside.  It’s a great place to go for a walk and the horses and ponies are an additional bonus!

 At the end of our tour of the site, we will be welcomed back into the courtyard to enjoy tea and cake served up by the Mane Chance volunteer team.  On our previous visit, this was a lovely way to end what had already been a very enjoyable afternoon and gave us all the opportunity to chat to friends we hadn’t spotted on the way round and to make some new friends too. There is a £3 charge for this event, with all monies collected going to the Mane Chance charity as a thank you for their time (and the tea and cake!)

 And finally… July sees the launch of our new Monday morning coffee drop-in sessions at the Yew Tree Café.  These will commence on July 4th and will take place every Monday morning after that.  If you come along to the Yew Tree Café between 10.30 and 11.30am on a Monday morning, you will find at least one member of the Prime Time Team there to welcome you and chat with.  There is no need to book or let us know you are coming, just turn up on the day.  One point to note though is that the Yew Tree Café is a cashless establishment, payment is by card only – so please do come prepared for this. We are very excited about this new initiative, it’s something quite different for Prime Time to be attempting. Please do drop in to join us, a warm welcome (and very good coffee!) awaits.

 So, plenty of dates to put in your diary here which means plenty of activities to look forward to!  We do hope that you will be tempted to join us over the next few weeks, we look forward to welcoming you to an event soon.

In the meantime, enjoy the sunshine (but in moderation!)

With every blessing,


Penny Naylor| Seniors Ministry Lead