Prime Time

Events and friendship for Older People

Coming up

Prime Time offers a varied programme for anyone retired or semi-retired, designed to cater for a diverse older generation.

Many of our events are centred around food and friendship. We provide a wide range of activities and events within our Prime Time programme such as:

  • Monday Morning Drop in at the Yew Tree Café (10.30-11.30am)

  • Country walks (often followed by a pub lunch!)

  • Theatre Performances

  • Afternoon tea (often with a guest speaker or thought for the day)

  • Visits to places of interest – previous trips have included Standon House, Churt Sculpture Park and Mane Chance Sanctuary.

  • And many other activities: movie matinees, chairobics, quizzes and even a Christmas Carol Service!

All are welcome to attend any or all of these events.

You can view or print the latest programme below.

Meet the Team

Prime Time is led by Penny Naylor, Seniors Ministry Lead, supported by a team of volunteers who help run the Hearing Aid Clinics and Prime Time Events.

If you would like to join Prime Time, or sign up to receive Penny’s email please contact us using the form below.