Church Membership
& Electoral Roll

A parish church is open to anyone in the parish and beyond, and we don’t have a formal membership list or requirement. You are invited to attend services and join any of groups and activities on a drop in (anonymous) basis, but to make you feel more part of the extended church family, we’d love you to let us know who you are. Please go to the Welcome page and complete the “I’m new here” form.

Church Electoral Rolls

If you want to formalise your identification as someone closely involved with the church, vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (including for the election of members to the PCC and deanery synod), then you can go on the electoral roll. Being on the electoral roll is also a requirement for those standing for the PCC (Parochial Church Council).

The Electoral Rolls must close and be published 14 days before the APCM in May, and reopen for new applications after the APCMs.

If you would like to go on the electoral roll then please download the form for the appropriate church and return the completed form to:

Busbridge Electoral Roll or Electoral Roll Officer for Hambledon
(select appropriate one)
The Old Rectory
Old Rectory Gardens

Download Electoral Roll forms

(updated 08/02/2023)