Unification of the Ecclesiastical Parishes of Busbridge and Hambledon - update on the proposal

NOTICE of Hambledon PCC Meeting 20 April to discuss the matter above, and invitation to those on the electoral roll to attend.

Thank you for those that fed back about the proposal to unify the Ecclesiastical Parishes of Busbridge and Hambledon. All comments were in support of the proposal but with some points of clarification concerning three of the caveats:  

1.    That a clergy house (in the village) and a minister would be safeguarded for the future. 

2.    Finances can be restricted as per the wishes of the donor. i.e. Strictly for Hambledonian purposes if desired: in practice the means: 

·       One parish would mean one ‘pot’ from which all costs of the parish would be paid. 

·       Donors to either church would be free to restrict their giving for specific purposes (just as they are now) e.g. Hambledon fabric, Minister’s salary, etc.

·       Absent specific instructions all gifts including collections would be treated as unrestricted (just as they are in other parishes made up of two or more churches) meaning such money would go into the parish ‘pot’ from which all parish costs would be paid.

·       It is the job of Hambledon PCC to discuss all ideas and options and set any terms or conditions of merger. A question remains how a new single PCC should be made up (relevant to the next bullet point) but will obviously have representatives from both Busbridge and Hambledon.

·       Going forward it would be the job of a single parish PCC to set the parish budget each year.

3.    Worship in the village would kept under the control of the Rector, Hambledon’s Associate Vicar and the elected PCC. (All set within the wider parameters of the Church of England)

The caveats in the unification proposal specifically address these issues and these can and will be safeguarded as the process develops. 

The Hambledon PCC are meeting 20th April at 19:30 on Zoom to vote. Any member of the electoral roll is welcome to attend and observe but will not be eligible to speak or vote.  

Yours Faithfully

Rev Simon Willetts