Church schools serve the area in which they are set and our area as a church is Godalming. We recognise the historic and important fact that, until recently, Hambledon had a church primary school and Hambledon and Busbridge are one in terms of church-parish setting. Those applying for on a church-basis will need to ensure they meet the residency requirements within the relevant area of Godalming or Hambledon. We make no exceptions to this because to do so would be unfair on others.

All applications for a school place need to be made via the school office. Most non-church applications/accepted places tend to be through the route of siblings (which is a higher category than church connection) or locality-distance.

Busbridge Junior School accepts church applications where they are appropriate. We believe we have a fair and robust approach to this. To apply you will need to fill in a Supplementary Information Form (SIFs) and have this validated. The school will only accept a SIF if this (bhcgodalming) church has validated it and the application and validation are submitted to the school by the parents in good time.

We are very careful about our approach to these applications. We take our responsibilities in this area seriously. No SIF is completed without a personal visit from a member of the clergy; prayer and reflection; and an understanding by Christian parents as to the responsibilities involved.

We do not believe it is in anyone’s interests to have a situation where someone may attend Christian worship for a short period of time, seek a SIF application and then cease to be visible in the church. This would be counter to the reason for offering church places, which is to aid and underpin the Christian ethos and identity of the school for the good of future generations. Clergy may decline to complete a SIF (and do take this approach where appropriate). The requirements for meeting the criteria of a SIF have been carefully worked out by the church and the school Governors.



For more information about being eligible for a church reference, please take a look at the Church Supplementary Information. The application form is found in the school application pack, available from the School reception.